However, this same group is sending my ass to Anaheim California in three days for a week for ridiculously cheap, are putting myself and 16 other people up in the freakin' Marriott hotel that's across the road from Disneyland. I have to network with big bank/company CEO's and I'm not even a business major. I'm a goddamn' psychiatric nursing major! LOLWTF. I'm excited though. I get to miss a few Anatomy and Physiology classes as well as statistics and psychiatric nursing lifespan development. However I'm not so stoked to buy probably 200$ worth of business clothes.
I picked up Ellen Hopkins' new book Fallout which is the sequel to the Crank and Glass series which is about a girl named Kristina who picks up a meth addiction when she's like fourteen after hanging out with her idiot of a father in New Mexico for a week and meets some dude who was apparently smokin' and awesome and shit however she was totally naive about her own perception of "love" and how attachment works.
Throughout the first two books it basically reads how bad her addiction is and how her family attempted to be rid of it, however as anyone knows 97% of people who go into treatment fail the first time around and relapse within the first year. She didn't even go to treatment, she tried to quit herself, which is sort of comical because most addicts can't fix themselves. Anywho, she gets knocked up with a spawn after she meets a college guy through her crackwhore friend, then as Fallout begins it's twenty years later and Kristina's still a royal fuck-up who isn't really in the picture but her five children are, yes. She has FIVE children - doesn't meth fuck with your reproductive skills?
These kids barely know one another but it examines how her (Kristina's) meth addiction fucked with their social/everything skills. Obviously, this is a given. Most of them have intimacy disorders as well as trust issues and all of them have some sort of a sex addiction and their own little habits and how they develop.
In comparison to the other novels I personally was not a huge fan. I love Ellen Hopkins, she's great with poetry and creative with her words. But, I feel she spent too much time on similes and metaphors and describing how wonderful it feels to get laid with someone you didn't meet at a slimy bar, instead you met them at a slimy family get-together or awkwardly at school, or in Hunter's case a slimy radio groupie.
What the fuck, radio hosts have groupies?
I wish she spent more time on what was going on with Kristina and the people she dealt with in the previous books and not just random small snippets from a newspaper.
Now, now. The book itself wasn't terrible. It has a few twists and turns and one awkward family get-together and a few parts made me want to keep turning the page but some parts I just wanted to skip to Autumn or Summer's part. It still makes me never want to snort, smoke or inject what is basically cough medicine and cow shit. The ending kind-of pissed me off because it didn't tie up all of the loose and sounded more like a self-help/the-foster-care-system-sucks book than a memoir of this womans daughter, although I would recommend this book to anyone trying to get clean, and stay clean or to anyone with kids who are teenagers.
All-in-all I give this book a 6.57-7/10.