Monday, July 26, 2010


I've recently decided to pick up blogging, mainly because multiple people ask me to read theirs and the nerdy sons-of-bitches of friends I have are fricken' awesome with words and in turn, make me laugh. Lots. In libraries. Don't ask about their math skills though. Don't ask about my math skills either.

So, today I got home from my buddy's house for the first time in 3 days. Mainly because he had work and I ran out of clean clothes. I haven't slept in basically two days but I'm cool with that because I knew I would get to crash into a mild coma for like, 14 hours today.



I got home at 9am to my mother shouting about how I have less than 48 hours to pack up my life into three bags because I'm moving across Canada for over a year, or something along those lines.

I got around to packing most of it up, which mainly consisted of my printer, printer ink which cost double what my printer cost new, and a bunch of sweaters and jeans.

Finally, I had time to get a few hours of shuteye after I checked my five e-mails. I'm not a business woman, why the fuck do I have five e-mails?! After sleeping for a good five hours I had some mail thrown at me as if I stunk up the bathroom before you get in your shower. It was the letter I sent to student loan to ensure I'm not homeless in western-middle-of-Manitoba-not-Winnipeg. Apparently I didn't put enough stamps on it. I put two on the envelope. I thought it was pretty generous seeing as how the place the letter was going to was only a five hour drive away.

But, NO!
I get the sticker-of-death on the envelope saying that it didn't send my forms, which take six weeks to get processed in the first place and I have to start paying rent on my apartment in a week and pay for tuition/books/clipboards/food/whiskey in about 4 weeks. Not to mention it took them more then two weeks to send it back. This sticker said the reason it didn't send my important documents to the government. This whore sticker said it was because of EIGHT CENTS.


I not only was woken up from the coziest coma before I needed to wake up, can't get back to sleep because it's fucking six P.M. I have to go without sleep all day tomorrow and the next day because my flight is at four-AM and I must visit the people who I haven't spoken to all summer because it's sort of obligatory for whatever reason.
