Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We Live in A World Where Loneliness Is Frowned Upon

The world is not designed for people who are alone.

Between 1976 and 2008, rates of people who claim to feel lonely often has increased over 50%. Possible contributers include the almost fifty percent increase in divorce and the increased amount of stressors people experience in todays society.
Loneliness is also one of the most ignored emotions. You can make someone smile when they're mad and sad, you don't really have to do much when they're happy but when someone's lonely, the last thing someone wants to do is just to be there. There is no reward, there is no benefit, there is nothing to gain.Essentially it is the easiest job but yet the most disliked.
Support systems are what keep people from waking up one day and going postal on the people in the environment they frequent the most. When someone is alone, there is no support system. There is no outside voice to help reason, no reassurance and increased vulnerability.

life is all about give and take. Use and don't use. Relationships are social capitalism. Nothing is free and there's probably an interest rate. Nothing is done unconditionally and eventually when something that benefits you more in any-way, previous usage of old resources runs out. Or, someone throws their hands in the air and shouts that they're done.
Humans are the most resourceful species in the world and as well as the most self-destructive. I think this is because we're so focused on trying to keep themselves content we don't bother to look at the environment around them and the relationships that actions our behavior effects.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Millionaire Matchmaker. Dear Society: What?

So, I just got done with University...for a week. Some of you might be inclined to say "AWESOME. YOU GET TO SLEEP!"

Yeah, no. I get a week to memorize 700 pages of anatomy and write three papers and memorize terms and the occasional thing or two for my other classes.

However, I am also the definition of procrastination - I sat down the other night and watched the television show Millionaire Matchmaker. The gist of the program is "Boy has too much money to be socialized into normal relationship so he ironically pays someone way too much money to find him a dingy-wine-drinking-broad he can bring home to his probable drunk rich folks."


This is the woman who works the magic....mushrooms.

When she actually does organize a shindig-mingle-thing, the women who audition are well aware that they're vying for dudes who got buckets of money. The whole set up is ridiculously awkward, then the guy has to choose two out of the ten or twelve girls to go on a ten-minute-superduperawkward-date.

Essentially, the difference between an expensive hooker and the concept of this show is that that the girls cast are not openly saying they spent a good amount of their college years dancing on a sweaty, syphilis ridden pole. That's probably for date number two.

Cheers, fools.

Friday, February 11, 2011

This is what happens when I watch early morning television

If there's one thing I don't like about Fridays, it's that I have a second year Research Methods class at 8:30am. This means I have to wake up at 7am. The stupid class itself is only an hour long and I spend an hour getting to the class and back. Did I mention that it's the only class I have on Fridays? Yeah, told you. Stuuuuuupid.

Anyway, I got home today and I wasn't sleepy anymore so I made some breakfast turned the TV on. First thing I looked at. Rachael Ray. Eugh. On the plus side, she was making waffles with a cool apple/roasted mixture on top I'm going to try to make next week. Her next segment however, made my Friday worse then waking up at 7am to do menial math I'm never going to use. This segment was on wingwomen.

I totally get that valentines day is coming kinda soon, but jesus christ is it an extra slow news day? She's basically promoting this business some pompous turd from New York came up with. It's called wingwomen.com. The website itself is so vague and poorly drawn out it just screams


*Sex not included

Basically, they send women with guys to help guys talk to girls, 'cuz you know how hard it is to talk to girls when you live in a city that has over ten million people. The website goes on to explain how women feel more comfortable talking to other women, which is sort-of true - BUT, if this broad is telling me to talk to the awkward flirty guy she is with, it's only going to put up a creepy craigslisty red flag that tells me "HEY, WANNA HOOK UP WITH ME AND THIS GUY?" Or, "Hey, this guy is more socially retarded then the guy next door that collects chickens. He evidently is a total creep so he hired me to trick you into thinking he's totally rad. I am just reassuring you that I'm a bro with a vagina and do not care how safe this guy is. I work for a weirdo who makes a killing on even bigger weirdos."

Essentially the whole concept looks like an overpriced (75 bucks an hour!), vague-poor-taste business project a high schooler would design.

Personally, I don't understand why the guys profiled on all of these networks that did segments for this business just don't call up a group of real, unpaid friends and go out and save himself like 300 bucks plus a whole lot of dignity. Communication isn't that hard.
