No, there isn’t a hot girl party in your living room. It’s a trap if there is,
In Toronto, a trashy dressed woman was told she would be less at risk of sexual assault if she had been less “slutty” dressed after she had been sexually assaulted in January 24th, 2011.
Since then, girls in Toronto and elsewhere have thrown a hissyfit about the ambiguousish wording the police officer used at the time, because she is, for whatever reason all about dressing with most of her ladybits on display. She also has taken a few classes in women’s studies in University so clearly she felt the need to write papers about it too and tell everyone in Toronto who also likes to display their ladybits to run in the streets, and get mad over a word, which just so happens to be defined as...
a dirty, slovenly woman.
an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute.
About 2000 – 4000 people showed up to parade in the streets with trashy, half wrecked clothes and quasi-creative signs to catch nearby news reporters’ attention to take cool pictures of and put them in their blogs and 4chan.
Oh gosh
Don't get me wrong, I totally support anything that helps sexual assault victims get through the issues that are associated after being assaulted. However, after reading into what the officer actually said, he did not say LYKE IF U DRESS LIKE A SLUT U TOTALLY DESERVE TO BE RAPED LAWLS. He merely said to take into consider the clothing you wear while walking around at night alone, but in a more blunt way. Hell, growing up my parents literally told me to not dress slutty and walk anywhere. Much less the streets of fucking Toronto.
In any given society you’re judged by the clothes you wear – in job interviews you’re expected to dress in dress clothes that are appropriate for the job interview. You’re brought up to dress in a conforming manner. I’m not talking about dressing up like it’s your wedding everyday, just to merely use common sense. Bright coloured hair = totally fine in most situations, wanna wear a few necklaces? Have at it! Wanna walk around the streets at night with half your clothes gone and be aware that there are many people who are mentally and socially incapacitated walking the streets around you who are simply out to get you, the lack of clothing just enticed them more.
It doesn’t mean assault victims deserve it, it simply means it’s unsafe to put yourself out there to that extent and to the rapist it opens the invitation even more. It does NOT initiate it.
If you have NO idea what the hell I’m talking about, SlutWalk